Cannabis has three natural varieties namely  Sativa, Indica, and Regulars. Cannabis Sativa, popularly called hemp has about 500 naturally occurring chemicals.

This long list contains quite a lot of cannabinoids, phytonutrients, terpenes, flavonoids, and quite a lot more.

The long list of cannabinoids feature names like Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabichromene (CBC), Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabigerol (CBG), and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Hemp contains more than a hundred cannabinoids, and each of them has its unique benefits. As an example, CBD is well-renowned for its medicinal, health, and wellness benefits while THC is popular for its recreational high use and has euphoric, psychoactive, or mind-altering effects.

When we talk about cannabinoids usually we talk about CBD and THC, however, the entire lot has its uses. They bind themselves to the endocannabinoid receptors in our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and the Central Nervous System (CNS). These reduce pain, inflammation, and mental functions in general. In this article, we will understand CBD and more particularly CBD Tincture.


Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the most researched cannabinoids and widely used for its medicinal and wellness utilities as classified by the US National Library of Medicine. It is used in a variety of products of edible, inhalant (smoke or vapour), and topical variety. 

It is extracted from Cannabis Sativa and since its rediscovery in 1940 by Roger Adams, a chemist trained at Harvard we have a detailed chemical structure of CBD. By 2019, clinical research indicated positive results on people suffering from stress/anxiety, neurological problems, movement disorders, cognition, pain, and inflammation.

The plants become productive with the best benefits and most active natural chemicals between 108 and 120 days. CBD binds with the ECS and provides relief by actively communicating with it.

ECS is probably the most important physiological system involved in establishing and maintaining health. It has a pivotal role to play in the regulation of processes and functions like sleep, appetite, mood, reproduction, memory, and fertility.


1. Full-spectrum CBD

This variant contains all of the cannabinoids, nutrients, terpenes, and flavonoids. By definition, this also contains THC along with CBD and other cannabinoids. As per the regulations of the FDA at most this can contain 0.3% of THC. This is to make sure the benefits can be used and at the same time abuse can be controlled as this small amount of THC can’t be used for the high it usually delivers.

2. Broad-spectrum CBD

This has all the natural compounds from Hemp or Cannabis Sativa except THC. This has the benefits from all of the cannabinoids and the other natural chemicals but has no trace for THC because of obvious reasons. Many people are not well receptive to THC. This is mostly used for edible CBD-based products.

3. CBD Isolate

Only Cannabidiol or CBD is further extracted or isolated from all the extracted terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids. This contains the highest concentration of CBD and is very potent when it comes to it. This variant of CBD is used in topical ointments, balms, creams, and other skincare products.


Medications with an alcohol base are classified as Tincture. They are made for edible usage and administered in some drops. CBD is extracted from hemp and infused with distilled alcohol concentrated at 60-70%. In some cases, glycerine is also used.

The presence of alcohol as a carrier gives it a long shelf life and easy absorption through the mouth and intestines. The tincture is predominantly for medicinal use and is bitter owing to its alcohol base.


CBD Tincture is administered in drops, sublingually. Once you drop about 2-3 drops under the tongue, CBD gets absorbed through the sublingual artery, travels to the carotid artery, and through the heart to the bloodstream and entire body.

After holding the tincture in your mouth for about 45 seconds to a minute and absorption through the sublingual artery the rest can be swallowed with saliva. In this way, it reaches the intestines and gets absorbed by the intestinal walls to reach the bloodstream.

CBD reaches the different parts of the body and reacts with the ECS and CNS for benefits to our physical and mental health. They come in small glass bottles with a marked dropper in the cap for easy dosage.


Hemp flowers and leaves are immersed in alcohol concentrated at about 60-70%. In some cases, glycerine is also used. This is the basic process of creating a CBD Tincture. Due to the bitter taste of CBD Tincture and for additional benefits some other nutrients and natural compounds are added.

Some of them include.

  • Water
  • Melatonin
  • Herbs
  • Vitamins B12, D, C, etc.
  • Sweeteners
  • Oils like lavender, basil, etc.

These additional ingredients vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and their resultant products. As an example, OleyHemp produced CBD Tincture contains full-spectrum CBD, is alcohol-based, and only additional cherry or orange flavour is added for the deliciousness aspect to reduce its bitterness.


There are many benefits of orally ingested CBD, specifically CBD Tincture and most of these are medicinal and for health benefits.

CBD is very effective in reducing seizur●e-type conditions and is used for the treatment of epilepsy. Epidiolex, a drug manufactured by GW Pharmaceuticals has shown proven results in children and adults alike for seizure issues. Epidiolex is a recognized prescription drug for the treatment of seizures from Dravet syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis, and Lennon Gastaut syndrome.

● Epilepsy

It is also well-known to reduce seizures from febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES), Sturge-Weber syndrome, and other genetical disorders that may cause epileptic encephalopathy.


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is chronic and severely affects the CNS (brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves). Full-spectrum CBD can be effective for improving tight or frozen muscles, related pain, and frequency in urination for patients suffering from Sclerosis.

MS causes numbness and tingling limbs, and also blurred vision. In more severe cases, it is also known to cause vision loss, mobility problems, and even paralysis. Though MS has no prescribed fully curable treatment, CBD can reduce the progression of the disease and reduce the resulting pain.

Addiction control and withdrawal

CBD has been very effective in addiction control especially for regular marijuana users. Using CBD Tincture can reduce the THC intake or overall dependency on it. This considerably reduces the use of cannabis and even more so for the people who are looking to quit marijuana or cannabis.

Going through withdrawal is also an important factor when it comes to quitting the regular use of addictive substances like morphine, heroin, or other opioid-based drugs. Using CBD for 3-7 days can reduce anxiety and cravings to a considerable extent.


This involuntary muscle contraction condition can be controlled to a huge extent by CBD’s reactions with the CNS and ECS. As CBD Tincture is edible it reaches the entire body through the bloodstream and has positive effects and improves muscle and motor control.

CBD Tincture is also somewhat effective by relaxing the nervous system and nerve signals and thus control, uncontrollable shaking and tremors in the body.

Pain and Inflammation

The pain of chronic, acute, or neurological type can be countered with CBD Tincture. Pain is a result of heavy impact or bruises and inflammation.

Also, muscle damage is caused by strenuous exercise or workouts. Sore muscles and heavy exercise causes muscle fatigue and damage to the fibres. CBD is known to relieve pain and inflammation caused by strain on muscles and heavy exercise.

Fragile X Syndrome

Learning disabilities conditions that are inherited can be controlled by using CBD Tincture. It effectively reduces anxiety and improves children’s behaviour with a fragile x syndrome condition.

Graft-versus-host disease

In this case, a body graft or transplant attacks the host body. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) mostly occurs after a bone marrow transplant. Using CBD Tincture for 7 days before the graft and continuing for 30 days after the graft can reduce the chances of encountering GVHD.


Early research and studies indicate that using CBD improves the conditions and enhances well-being in people suffering from schizophrenia.

Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety is a big factor in many well-being problems. Too much stress can cause depression and many other conditions like insomnia and even impact overall wellness. Too much anxiety can cause problems in speaking and expressing control. CBD can reduce social anxiety disorder and also stress caused by most situations.

Parkinson’s disease

Regularly using CBD Tincture reduces psychotic symptoms and anxiety in people suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

In addition to the above, CBD Tincture can help with a lot of other issues like nerve damage, Bipolar disorder, and a lot of other physical, mental and neurological conditions, but they need further detailed research.

The 2018 Farm Bill has legalized hemp and its products in the USA. But necessarily that does not mean all help derived products are legal.

The FDA regulations clearly state that 0.3% of THC is allowed in hemp products. Many organic manufacturers do not clearly state the amount of THC and other cannabinoids present in their products.

Expectant or breastfeeding mothers, people suffering from liver problems, and children should stay away from CBD Tincture till they speak to a medical practitioner as we do not know the full extent of its side effects yet due to limited research. However, it has been observed that CBD does not have any harmful side effects.  

CBD Tincture is one of the many ways to consume CBD and reap its benefits. They have an unusually long shelf life, are easy to carry and administer, and measurably dose. As there are many organic manufacturers available you need to choose wisely and choose one that best fits your need.

As an example, OleyHemp produces all its hemp at its farms spread out to more than one state and uses no pesticides or harmful chemicals in the production process. The product manufacturing also is done at its state-of-the-art processing facilities with full emphasis on the output quality.

To gain the most benefits use CBD Tincture from organic product manufacturers with repute and true labels. Visit their sites and see the QC test reports to make sure of what you see is what you

Elena Ognivtseva
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